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Well, as this days we've been working on the Netherlands, to show our knowledge, we've done a Pechakucha, a 20slidesX20seconds presentation, talking about some topics of this nordic country. In the distribution of those topics, I drew "Economy", so I made this presentation: Script

Our city, Lleida

Some days ago, we were working on "Off the beaten Track", a lesson about some different activities which you can do instead of going to the super-crowded and mundially  known tourist attractions like the London Eye or the Statue of Libery, so we had to show some interest places for teens of our city, Lleida. I wrote about La Panera , an activity center, and . Eco , a rental urban vegetables patches . Hope you like it!

My 3 ESO Class: Let’s talk about music

In this activity, we had to insert a video of a song we like in our group photo through the webpage  In my case, I yearscriticism about the capitalism in this , chose the song named "Wing$", a rap  made by Maclemore & Ryan Lewis. Here you have it!

James Bond

This was an activity of doing a video with a script of a brand new James Bond story that our teacher gave us to finish, as it only had the first two pages. In our group, with Blai and Genís, we introduced a new character and a quite good ending to the short film. Enjoy it! James_Bond