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S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: juny, 2017

Comparing Pictures

As you should imagine by the title, this activity consisted on compare two different pictures. Montse told us a couple of pages on the book where there are some images we could use, but I chose to pick up by myself two pictures from the internet, so I could make more differences and similarities. Those are the pictures and here do you have my audio comparing them

Film Review 2.0

As Montse seems to like film reviews, she made us make another one. This second time, I made it about a recently released blockbuster from Marvel; Guardians of Galaxy vol. 2 . If you'd like to read this second one, just click on the title!

Menlor's Thoughts

With Cristina, another of the student teachers we had these last months, we made six groups grouping up by birth date. With Alba, Isabel and Abril we made up a story named Menlor's Thoughts , an adventure story of a girl called Alex who discovers a hidden secret of her mother in an imaginary country called Menlor. If you want to read the story, click on here!