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S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: novembre, 2017

Romeo and Juliet

And there we continue with the compositions. But this time, we took it with a different approach: first of all we were divided in groups where we were given a fragment of an adapted comic strip of the Shakespeare's story. Then, we moved back to our initial places and explain to the others in our group as accurate as we could all the events of the strip. After that, we had to make a summary of the story, missing as few details as possible. Here you have my product:   Dani Calvo

The house

This time the task was quite different; we had to make up a "horror" story about a cursed house and the third owner of it, following the model of the stories about the previous residents of it, who did something bad in the past and got punished because of it. Here you have the story about Steve Hawkings:

For and against

As you may've imagined, here you have another composition, yet this time a for and against one. The subject of the redaction is a quite common dilemma concerning 1st world people; is it better to watch a film at the cinema or at home? So here it is my modest opinion about this topic: For and against  

How to drive your students crazy in 45'

 So Montse decided to start with the compositions, and the first one she've make us to make has been How to drive your students crazy in 45' , a directional essay based on one she handed in before titled  How to drive your teacher crazy in 45' . The point was to imagine how would be to have a class with the worst teacher ever, and I let my mind loose. Hope it helps not to be the hated teacher (at least you may have a good time reading it :D) How to drive your students crazy from Dani Calvo